Monday, 13 July 2009

Questions for music video

1) favourite videos?

- dead and gone by Justin Timberlake
- its my life ny Bon jovi

2)why do you like them?

I like them because they are quite pacey videos, also there are good looking people in them.

3) What makes them effective?

the speed
special effects
dance moves
shoking images
tells a story
make up

4)Do you think they helped to promote the band/track?

Yes i do becasue when we listern we only take in about 60per cent of it, we as we are more likely to remember the visual images.

5)Whats the purpose of a music video?

Its purpose is to express their feelings, help to make the lyics make sense, but the main purpose is to promote and advitise a band to make money.

6)How cana video be judged to be successful?

Which the answer is simple, their use the money they make from the cd sales and downloads.

7) What factors do you need to consider when planning a video?

fan base
story board.

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