Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Over the past month we have been searching for songs on a site called newgrounds. We found a song called "Insomniacs" which we all liked. So i emailed the artist in which he took ages to reply and there was a problem with me login on the site. So Becky H emailed him and requested for permission to use hes song for our coursework. He eventally emailed back, and he gave us permission to use hes song.

Here is the email becky H sent him:

"Hi, my names Becky. Im not sure if you got the message from my friend, so if not im sending you another 1 :) Im an A-Level media student and this year for my coursework i need to produce a music video. However i can only use uncopyrighted music. So i was looking around and found your song 'Insomniacs'. Me and my group think it is great and perfect for what we need, so we was wondering if you would allow us to use it.The only people that will see our video is our teacher and the examiner.Please reply asap (we need to start filming soon)Thanks alot :)".

Meanwhile the artist replied :

"Terribly sorry for the late reply! I would be really excited to let you use the song :) of course, i would really enjoy seeing the final product as well!".

The artists user name for the site is DamonGuyett. He is 18 and is a student from Waterdown, in Canada.

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