Monday, 30 November 2009

Story board

Story line

There is a boy band that will be playing the song on a stagein a empty room with black curtain behind them. The actual story behind the song is about there are complicaations within the main singers and hes girlfriend relationship. As hes singing we will zoom in to him as he is walking from the band to a chair sits down, he gets his wallet out to look at a picture of him and his girlfriend, and then we zoom into the picture. This then changes from colour to black and white, which will repersent the past. Then we look back at a past event with him and hes girlfriend playing in a forest and having fun. It then goes back to colour that repesents the pesent time. It shows that they are having problems, which in shiwn in the london pieces.
Then she walks away from him, relationship is ending. Throughout the song there are different transitions, constantly going between past and present, including he walks up to the camera pushes it down then up, a good transition between the two. When the song is ending she walks away in colour and we then show a close up to his face and the camera follows him as he turns to look back at her, but now she is in black and white in the distance, to represent the relationship is over, between them.

Target audience and Tv. slot time

The target audience for our mucis video would be adolescence and early adulthood, so 13 too 45. This is quite a large range of people, this is because a music video is to ty and had value to the song to increase sales. Which if we aim for a large target audience then the aim will be met. The target audience will like the story line, because it may relate back to them, has many relationships dont work out, and you always look back at the good times.

This music video should be shown after 4pm, this is because this is the time that the school children get home, also roughly 7pm is when people who work get home. Meaning that the music video is more likely to be watched.

Saturday, 28 November 2009


Today we started filmin, for this we went into london. Fisrtly we went to regants park where most of the filming took place. Then we went to oxoford street. The day was amazing we have so many laughs and we had fun films overall it was a great and successful day.

Friday, 27 November 2009


Becky checked her emails and we have permission to use one of the songs that we liked, this really pleased us all. This means that we can start filmimg at the weekend.

This is the email sent to the artist, Ainjel Emme:

hello,i am a student at robert clack school studying media studies. For our second year a level coursework we have to produce a music video with a song that isnt copyrighted. we have had to change our song last minute and we really like your song set up for a fall, so would it be possible that me and my group use your song. The only people that will see the finished video will be our teacher and the exam board, and we could send you the finished video to show you. Hope you get back to us.Becky Kavanagh

This is the relpy that we got:

hi becky! thanks for writing in. my song is also copyrighted, but i own the copyright 100% so as long as i get to see it, you may use it! good luck!

Thursday, 26 November 2009


inside: lights flickering on and off behind the band, playing maybe coloured lights lights from below, create some shadows to link in with other parts of the film

outside: forest: no lights, natural effect shadows of the forest area outside: london: lights of the shop windows, colours


inside: (school drama room)
on a stage :

2 boys
2 guitars
1 singer boy
microphone stand and microphone ( old style)
black curtain

outside: ( forest/ park) :

path holding hands
pile of leaves
falling leaves throwing them in the air
black and white
looks like they are in love

outside: ( london)
highstreet shops
reflection in shop windows
lots of people walking past
looks like they are falling out of love
walking away
emotional= cry

This is annoying

again we have came across another problem, this time the boy that was ment to be in our video can no longer do it. So to make it easier for us we are finding another song that has a girls vocals in. today me and becky k have sent all of our free lessons, break and lunch looking for songs on unsigned. com, where becky have emailed etc to get in contact with them. so hopeful we will get a reply back.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

change of plan

As a group we decide that oour current song we have got insnt very good, also the fact that in the song all vocals are of boys. Which at the moment we havent got a boy that can help us. So we are now looking for a song with a females vocals, has it will save us a lot of hassal in trying to look for another guy. Wish us luck.


Here is a list that we came up as for what make-up should be used to give of the look we are aiming for:

fake looking a girly girl style
thin eyebrows
make up thick foundation flawless looking skin
blusher very pink cheeks
thick eyelashes mascara appiled thickly and maybe false eyelashes
lipgloss pink

Here are the designs which becky again drawed billiently to express the kind of idea we got for the make-up.

no make up
rough edgy looking


Has a group we decided that the hair for the girl should be curley and very girly with clips etc in, while the boy should have longest hair that we can strighten. For example

Here are drawings that becky K have designed for the girl in the music video, she done one hair style up in a curly pony tail with a side fringe and one down curly with a flower on the side:

As a group we all agreed that the one with the hair down looked better and that it would best suit the person who will be taht character.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009


There are many different styles we have been looking at. But because our song is indi style the main idea is around jeans and a t-shirt with converses for the boy. A beany hat would also be useful for the boy has it would finish the look off. Meanwhile the girl is going to be really girly, by wearing a flowery dress, with lots of accessories , shoes, so really they are both totally the opposite to each other. They arent meant to be togther.




well today have been an eventful day, we found out that the boy who was going to be in our music video decided that he couldnt do it, which made our lives a ot harder because we was meant to start filming today with him. This also meant that we had to find another boy, or we had to change our song, so that the voice fitted a girl vice. But lucky we manger to find another boy called lloyd who i work with, and we start filming on thrusday.

Saturday, 21 November 2009


through out one lesson me and becky wrote a list of what things we needed to put on the blog, and to think about. here is the list:

description of the plan
still shots

Friday, 20 November 2009

narrative theory

Narrative is the way the story (plot) is organised.

elements of narrative:

-time: -chroninoligical time period, so the time it cover.
- some films look back over years

-closure: -lose ends are closed up

- enigma- mystery/ problems
- e.g. thrillers don't know what will happen
- gives us drama otherwise it be dull
(who, why, whats going to happen)

classical hollywood narratives:

- linear (in order)

the earlierst chronioligical point happens first ( in sequence) not all films are in sequence for example in pulp friction

- few if any, sub-plots e.g. pulp friction

- tendency towards closure - all lose ends are tired up

Theories of narrotive

1) Todorov

- equilibrium : story begins fine,normal
e.g. big heat- begins with a normal day

-disruption : e.g big heat- car blows up with wife and kid inside

- resolution- problems solved, enigamas solved

- new equilibrium- order restored

2) Propp

analysed folk stories

he came up with 8 key character roles that always come up:

1) the hero (protagonist)
2) villian (antagonist)
3) the doner (provider) gives hero a magic item
4) the helper, helps protagonist
5) the father ( figure) can be played by a women
6) the dispatcher, sends hero on their mission
7) the princess, always a girl, doesnt have agencey
8) the false hero, character who we think is on same side of hero, when in the end they arent, they are on the side of the villian

3) Levi- oppositions and binary oppositions ---(click on the tittle for the link to take you to a picture of levi)

binary oppositions are opposite to each other

- Levi- Strauss argued that a stracture of narratives was a dependence on binary oppositions

- a conflict between two qualities or terms

-these binary oppositions can form the basis of narratives

-e.g. young and old, male and female

for example


-narratives can be organised through binary oppositions of gender stereotypes

gender stereotypes: masculine

professional, strong, rational, competitious, independant, aggressive, ruthless

gender stereotypes : feminine

domesticated, week, emotional, co-operative, communal, passive, sensitive, supportive

Binary opposition

- constructions of gender roles in narratives lead to a series of binary oppositions

dominant vs subordinate

-middle class
-middle aged
-able - bodied

-other ethnic groups
-working class
-young and old
-homosexual, bisexual

eq the western

- homesheaders - native American

-christian - pagen
- domestic -savage
-weak - strong
-feminine - masculine
-garaen - wilderness
-inside society - outside society

Thursday, 19 November 2009


In the classical Hollywood Cinema the male protagonist has agency - meaning he is active and powerful.

He is the agent around whom the dramatic action unfolds- like in James bonds films.

The female character is passive and powerless- she is the object of desire for both the protagonist and audience.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Erotic desire

Mulvey argues women have two roles within a film, they are:

- As a object of erotic desire for the charcters

- As an object of erotic desire for the audience

Marilyn Monroe

Audary Hepburn

Sunday, 15 November 2009

The gaze

The gaze of the camera is the male gaze.

The male gaze is active, while the female is passive

Within the narrative male character direct their gaze towards female characters

The spectator is made to identify with the male, because the camera films from the optical, as well as libidinal, point of view of the male character.

Thus three levels of the cinemactic gaze- camera, character and sepectator- that objectify the female character( the triple gaze)

Therefore the audience is constructed as through everyone was male

Women are forced to look as though they were a male audience member

Friday, 13 November 2009


Today we had a meeting to discuss the planing for our music video.We came up with some good ideas and both decided that we will do our own work over the weekend, and then compare our ideas. We talked about location, hair, make up, clothes, props, etc.

Preparation and research for the music video

Here is the main information needed before we can start filming.


Name of track: Insominacs
Artist: Damon Gyett who is 18 and comes from canada
Names of students in the group: Charlotte Pritchard, Becky Kavanagh and Becky Haxuall

Initial research and target audience

-Our target audience will be young adults and teenagers as they are the ones who will listern to this type of music.
-While our research is on different styles of music videas that are used

Outline ideas

-boy band indy style, they are shown preforming in different parts of the video
-storyline is about a relationship between the main singer in the band and hes girlfriend
-throughout the video we look back at past events by useing picture that tranfer us to that time, when their relationship was strong

Conventions of the genre

Convention mean the way things are done within the video this also describe the genre of the music video

the conventions of a music video vary depending on the genre of music. However some general conventions are:
- the artist is shown performing, the lyrics of the song influence what is shown in the video
-the pace of editing fits the pace of the music
-codes of dress reflects the mood of the song

Indie Guitar Band- Indie music videos are normally shot as a live performance, performing on a stage. The structure is purely performance based. They often have longist hair and are normally wearing jeans and a checkerd shirt etc.

Research into Artist

The information we can gather is what we have got from the newgrounds website. So far we know he is 18 and from Canada. We also know that he worte the song for hes girlfriend and is about her past.

Potential Target Audience

At the moment there are many styles of music including pop, indie, rap, classical etc. The main styles teenagers listern to are pop and indie. So by producing a indie style song, the intrest will be coming form the teenagers. So our target audience is teenagers, in which we will have to imprest them with our video. So hopefully our video will had value to the song.

How to increase sales and expand the audience

This can be achieved by useing adverts, posters, flyers, concerts, bill boards, and websites with links.

What resources will you need?

For this video we will need:

boyband another one or two boys on guliters a girl band equipment photos setting inside forest

Justification of ideas in relation to genre and artist

It is a indie style song, so the boy characters will be dress in indie style clothes so jeans and a shirt with converse. Their hair will be longist and over the place. Will are using the idea of the artist, which is that the song was about hes girlfriend. So we will be including a girl who is the total oppersite of him, shes all girly etc. The video will show how perfect their relationship was, and now they are falling apart.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Authors comments on hes song

The artist of the song wrote about he song on the newgrounds website here is what he said:

"some of my favouite lyrics that ive written, for and about my girlfriend and her past. When i wrote this i felt like i was perfect and all the other people who couldnt keep their promises were scum. since then there have been a couple problems in our relationship and the song has almost become introspective. I love the chorus, and includes perhaps my favourite guitar performance from me :)

Monday, 9 November 2009

Feminist film theory and audiences

Laura Mulvey born August 15 1941 was educated at St Hilda's college, Oxford. She is currently professor of film and media studies at Birkbeck, University of London. She worked at the Bristish Film Institute for many years before taking up her current position. In which during her time she wrote "Visual Pleasure and Narrative cinema" (1973).

She worte about how the cinema reflects society. Therefore the cinema reflects a patriarchal society. The question is how does a patriarchal society manifest itself in cinema?

An example:

. Patriarchy and phalloocentrism are linked

. the phallus is the symbol of power( meaning the mans penis)

. note how guns are used within films

Guns= phallus= power.

For example when men reach about 40 they have a life cris. So they do crazy things like buy a spot car which is a phallus because they feel that they are loseing that power so they buy something that makes them look like they still have it.

Audiences and Audience theroy


Suture is classical hollywood narrative and editing 'sutures' or positions the audience in certain ways making only one perferred reading possible, however unconscious the audience is of that position.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Music video mark scheme

Level 4 (a)

The candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:

-holding a shot steady, where appropriate
-framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate
-useing a variety of shot distances as appropriate
-shooting material appropriate to the task set
-selecting mise-en-scene including colour,figure, lighting, objects and setting
-editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer
-useing varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selctively and approproiate;y for the task

Where a candidate has worked in a group, an excellemt contribution is evident

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Digi pack

A digi pack consist of a gatefold (book style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays that hold the cd, that is attached to the inside. This style of packaging is often used for cd singles,or special editions. But this type of packaging does seem to show signs of wear quite quick.

Here is a link to a website where there is information on many different packages used for cds.