elements of narrative:
-time: -chroninoligical time period, so the time it cover.
- some films look back over years
-closure: -lose ends are closed up
- enigma- mystery/ problems
- e.g. thrillers don't know what will happen
- gives us drama otherwise it be dull
(who, why, whats going to happen)
classical hollywood narratives:
- linear (in order)
the earlierst chronioligical point happens first ( in sequence) not all films are in sequence for example in pulp friction
- few if any, sub-plots e.g. pulp friction
- tendency towards closure - all lose ends are tired up
Theories of narrotive
1) Todorov
- equilibrium : story begins fine,normal
e.g. big heat- begins with a normal day
-disruption : e.g big heat- car blows up with wife and kid inside
- resolution- problems solved, enigamas solved
- new equilibrium- order restored
2) Propp
analysed folk stories
he came up with 8 key character roles that always come up:
1) the hero (protagonist)
2) villian (antagonist)
3) the doner (provider) gives hero a magic item
4) the helper, helps protagonist
5) the father ( figure) can be played by a women
6) the dispatcher, sends hero on their mission
7) the princess, always a girl, doesnt have agencey
8) the false hero, character who we think is on same side of hero, when in the end they arent, they are on the side of the villian
3) Levi- oppositions and binary oppositions ---(click on the tittle for the link to take you to a picture of levi)
binary oppositions are opposite to each other
- Levi- Strauss argued that a stracture of narratives was a dependence on binary oppositions
- a conflict between two qualities or terms
-these binary oppositions can form the basis of narratives
-e.g. young and old, male and female
for example
-narratives can be organised through binary oppositions of gender stereotypes
gender stereotypes: masculine
professional, strong, rational, competitious, independant, aggressive, ruthless
gender stereotypes : feminine
domesticated, week, emotional, co-operative, communal, passive, sensitive, supportive
Binary opposition
- constructions of gender roles in narratives lead to a series of binary oppositions
dominant vs subordinate
-middle class
-middle aged
-able - bodied
-other ethnic groups
-working class
-young and old
-homosexual, bisexual
eq the western
- homesheaders - native American
-christian - pagen
- domestic -savage
-weak - strong
-feminine - masculine
-garaen - wilderness
-inside society - outside society
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