Thursday, 1 April 2010


There were many key moments within out music video that the audience liked, and which they remember.

To illustrate what people thought of our music video Becky used a website called Here she put in all the words from our survey and things our classmates had said about our video.The bigger the word is the more used the word was.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Evaluation question 4

Question: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning, and evaluaction stages?

Friday, 26 March 2010

evaluation. question 3 audience feedback

Evaluation part 3

question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Analyse of questions from survey monkey

Today i went and looked on survey monkey to see if we have had any response back, which to my surprise we have had 5 completed questionaires back. Here are a shot shot of the page and individual screen shots of each question, which below will have an analysis of what the participants said.

This is a screen shot of the web page up on the screen, this is to show what we could see.

The first question is: are you male or female?

Out of the 5 participants, all of them are females. This isnt a good thing because, the views wont be balance. This is because men have different views on things than women.

The second question is: how old are you?

Which 1 person answered they are under 18 and the other 4, said they are between 18 to 21. this is a good mixture of ages. This is because everyone have a different opinions on the things they like, but espically at different ages. Has people younger tend to like upbeat songs, whereas older people tend to go for more down to earth songs. Which uses the Levi- Strauss and binary oppositions, because both things are oppisite to each other.

The third question is: what genre of music do you like?

Where over half of the participants like indie/ rock type of music. Which is good for us, because our song is indie, and the fact that they like this genre, means that they are more likley to like our song we chose for the music video. While one of the females like R & B, and the last one like any sort of genre.

Question 4: Did you enjoy our music video?

This was very surprising because all of the participants who completed the survey answered yes, that they enjoyed our music video. Which is incredable and if they like it, then theres a greater possiblity that other people may like it.

The question being: what was a key moment for you in the music video?

4 of the participants believe that the flash backs was the best feature in the video. the flask backs being between the good time she had with him, then clips with the female character being on her own. Which fit in very well with the story line, of the relationship breaking down. another key moment one of the participants enjoyed was the flying umbrella. which people we have showed it to, loved. we manage to do this by a bit of strong wind.

The sixth question we asked was: out of 10 what would you give us for our overall video?

Which 3 of the participants gave us 9 out of 10, and 2 of the participants gave use full marks. these marks given to us are extremly good, because we know that they enjoyed the video. which makes us feel that we have achieved producing a good music video that people enjoy.

The last questions was: for downloading and marketing purposes would you purchase the song?

Which all participants said they would, so we know that they did like out song and music video. also the idea that the music video did increase the value of the song, as people are willing to download the song, whereas before they may not.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

question 2

I maked this slide show on slide share. net, where i found it very easy to make and produce. The only difficulties i had was when trying to upload it onto my blog. Which in the end i manage to achieve the task of uploading it.

How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main
View more http://

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Evaluation part 1

Question 1:
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenges forms and conventions of real media products?
Through out our music video we have used a number of conventions of real music products. In a real music video you would see:

Here are the conventions we used within our music video:

In our media video we have all of the above. Our story line is about a relationship that breaks up, but the girl cant forget about the good times she had with her boyfriend. Which concludes the idea of switching from present time to the past, that uses different camera shots from close ups to mid shots to long shots. Our lip syncing is good as its in time with the lyics most of the time, and the instrument used is a guiltur.

Throught out our music video we uses various locations including:

--------- regents park

---- drama room

----------oxford street

Our locations used are locations that people use everyday, they are realitity locations. While other videos like Wham and Duran Duran uses escapistim in their videos to give a sense of escapistim for reality.For example the picture below:

Our music video is postmodern in the sense that nothing is new, as most of the idea have been used before, so they are somebody elses old ideas. The locations that we used were realistic and following the urban grit, we chose this so that many different types of audineces can relate to this video. In my opinion our video does captured the mood of song very well by. The ideas we researched for our videa are involved in our theme and fitted those well with the idea that we came up. The table shows we used lip syncing, which was to a standard. We decided that our music video should tell a story and not be a dance video as it is a folk, indie style song. Which having a dance wouldnt match the genre of the song. The song was quite emotional, so we thought about useing a very sensitive subject of a relationship breakdown. Our music video didnt follow all of the conventions of media products. For example in misic video the glamourous best looking and skinny girls are used. Were as in our the average girl is used. Which put the point across that everyone has once had their heart broken.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

evaluation Link between twilight and our music video

Throughout our music video we have used a variety of ideas from the popular film Twilight. We used ideas such as the bed room scenes where Bella wakes up and sees edward, but when she wakes up again he's not there, because people enjoyed them. The ideas we immitated are scenes which people from the public will recongise because its so popular.

The bedroom scene

As you can see from the photos above we tired to immiate this scene by first having the male character looking at the female character in the corner, which is meant to represent Edward stands in the corner watching Bella sleep. Next we filmed the the part where she wakes up to find that he actually is'nt there and that she was dreaming he was there. This idea went well with our music video because he express the emotion the girl was going through of losing the person she loved. by imagining he there with her, when in reality he isnt.

The tree scene

The next idea we gathered from twilight was the tree scene where they are standing there having a good converstation getting to know each other, and having a good time. we used the tree because is was something different and looked good. we used this in our past events, which showed how the couple got on and how they was meant to be.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Analyse of finished music video

Our music video communicates well with our target audience in terms of camerwork, lighting, colour, mis en scene and editing.

Firstly our camerawork we used was to try znd fit in with the mood and atmosphere of the song and storyline. The genre of our song is indie, which we chose purposly because we felt we could connect better with that type of song. We use may different shots ranging from close ups of the characters faces to show their emotions, espically the girls. Mid shot and long shot was used and also establishing shots of the park, to show the audience the area we was filming in. In our music video, contains a graphic match of when the girl charcter is setting on a bench with a flower, (close up of her picking the petals off), which then turns into a picture of of when she reciceves a text from her boyfriend, which was is the past. Overall i feel that we including a lot of different shots and produce very good footage for the video.

graphic match

Here is the graphic match we used in our video. It starts of with the flower in the hand then we use a transition that then she ends up with a phone in her hand instead of a flower.

Next is the lighting, which must of our footage was filmed outside. The only worry we had when filming out side was the hope that it wouldnt come over cloudy and start raining, which it didnt, so we was happy about that. When filming i had to also make sure that the camera werent facing directly into the sun otherwise the image shot would be disfigured and hard to see. Meanwhile for the parts we did inside the drama room they had differnt colour lights that we could use, and we did use them. This gave the affect that she was performing live, it looked amazing.

here are some examples of lighting from our music video

Colour was an important topic for us because we wanted to give the sense of past and present. So we came up with many different ideas including useing gray and colour. So most of the scenes that was ment to be from the past was in gray and the other scenes left as normal. One of my ideas was that during the song there a bit that says about "painting it blue to corrospond with you", was to use the colour blue over the scene used for that line. Which then uses connotation. Which worked out pretty well.

This is a screen shot of the idea of turning the background blue so that the colour is connotation.

Meanwhile for mise en scene a number of things was took into consideration, for example clothes, make up, and hair style. We needed the character to look the oart and match in with the song. So we decided on the boy character to wear jeans and a top, which didnt always go to plan because the boy didnt always have the right clothes on. But the clothes he wore did fit in with the song. Meanwhile the girl was to wear many different outfits such as a dress, skirt etc, to look like the video was filmed over a period of time, which i think was successful. We used a number of props includeing a phone and umbella. The umbella was a great and important prop to use. It became the beginning and ending scenes. Meanwhile the phone was important, because it is the bit in the video that tells the audience what has actually happened. The main locations of our video were Regients park, Oxford town centre and the drama

umbrella grab shots

Editing was very successful we used many different techniques including fades and disslove in between scenes. We also used the editing to change the colour of some scence like the past scenes were changed too grey. Not only this but we also speed and slowed down some of the scene so that it fit in with the mood of the song, that looked good.


In conection to theroies, we have used post modernism. We have done this by useing ideas from other music video and films such as twlight. Postmodernism meanings that new ideas are taking from old ones, so nothing is new.

Our music video didn't fit with many of the theories we have learnt in class,for example Laura Mulvey. Which was about the focus on erotic desire and feminism, which is normally on the woman. This could not be connected to our music video because in a sense the man is the focus on her erotic desire. This is because the female wants him back. The theory by propp also dont appeal to our video because he says there are 8 key characters within folks stories and that his theory can be applied to most pieces of work. But a music video is harder as we only had two main characters and they didnt fit into any of the charachters. The theory by Todorov is connected to our video. This is because the couple are together at first, then they have go through problems, which the end result is a spilt up. But the outcome of this result is she wants to get back with him, but she cant. Which the stages she go through are:
* Equilibrium- everything is fine and noraml
* Disruption- something happens that disrups the day
* Resolution- the problems that were set up, are solved
* New equilibrium - a new "normal" day, it is different from the first equilibrium because of the disruption/ problem

The last theory we looked at was by Levi-Strauss,in which he focused on binary oppositions. For example that two things are opposite two each other, this could be applied to some degree to our music video. The way it can appeal is that both the main characters were different from each other, but thats what made them work well. His theory also included representations of gender which we have also included as the way the girl is dressed and styled is very stereotypical of a girl and the way the boy looks is very manly, which the audience would recongise.

Evaluation part 1- audience feedback


Thursday, 18 March 2010

emailing our survey to people

becky have sent an email to people on facebook with our survey and video link attached, so its easier for people to take part. here are two screen shots of them:

survey for our music video

for out audience feedback we decided to carry out a survey. We made it on the following website
(click on the name for a link to the web page)

here are some of the pictures we took of our survey:

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

our pictures used for our digipack

these are the pictures we used for our digipack with the text we used. we thought it be better to have the pictures on separately.