In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenges forms and conventions of real media products?
Through out our music video we have used a number of conventions of real music products. In a real music video you would see:
Here are the conventions we used within our music video:
In our media video we have all of the above. Our story line is about a relationship that breaks up, but the girl cant forget about the good times she had with her boyfriend. Which concludes the idea of switching from present time to the past, that uses different camera shots from close ups to mid shots to long shots. Our lip syncing is good as its in time with the lyics most of the time, and the instrument used is a guiltur.
Throught out our music video we uses various locations including:
Throught out our music video we uses various locations including:
Our locations used are locations that people use everyday, they are realitity locations. While other videos like Wham and Duran Duran uses escapistim in their videos to give a sense of escapistim for reality.For example the picture below:
Our music video is postmodern in the sense that nothing is new, as most of the idea have been used before, so they are somebody elses old ideas. The locations that we used were realistic and following the urban grit, we chose this so that many different types of audineces can relate to this video. In my opinion our video does captured the mood of song very well by. The ideas we researched for our videa are involved in our theme and fitted those well with the idea that we came up. The table shows we used lip syncing, which was to a standard. We decided that our music video should tell a story and not be a dance video as it is a folk, indie style song. Which having a dance wouldnt match the genre of the song. The song was quite emotional, so we thought about useing a very sensitive subject of a relationship breakdown. Our music video didnt follow all of the conventions of media products. For example in misic video the glamourous best looking and skinny girls are used. Were as in our the average girl is used. Which put the point across that everyone has once had their heart broken.
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