Tuesday, 23 March 2010

evaluation Link between twilight and our music video

Throughout our music video we have used a variety of ideas from the popular film Twilight. We used ideas such as the bed room scenes where Bella wakes up and sees edward, but when she wakes up again he's not there, because people enjoyed them. The ideas we immitated are scenes which people from the public will recongise because its so popular.

The bedroom scene

As you can see from the photos above we tired to immiate this scene by first having the male character looking at the female character in the corner, which is meant to represent Edward stands in the corner watching Bella sleep. Next we filmed the the part where she wakes up to find that he actually is'nt there and that she was dreaming he was there. This idea went well with our music video because he express the emotion the girl was going through of losing the person she loved. by imagining he there with her, when in reality he isnt.

The tree scene

The next idea we gathered from twilight was the tree scene where they are standing there having a good converstation getting to know each other, and having a good time. we used the tree because is was something different and looked good. we used this in our past events, which showed how the couple got on and how they was meant to be.

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