Thursday, 1 October 2009


postmodernism is where new texts are constructed by making reference to, or "borrowing" from exiting texts. it rejects conventional reality and conventional forms.

some features in postmodernism :

self- reference
draws attention to the way it is constructed
popular and commercial "culture is mixed with high culture"
rejects the boundaires between high and low forms of art
rejects the traditions of distinct genres

Postmodern texts favour

pastiche- work of art that borrows or imitates from work or style of other artists
parody- humourous imitation of something serious
eclecticism- a wide range of influences, contributions and techniques
intertextuality- an authors borrowing and transforming of a prior text
bricolage- a technique where works are constructed from various materials available
acts of modernism- postmodernism embodies scepticism towards the idea and ideals of the modern era, especially the ideas of progress, objectivity, reason, certainty, personal identity and grand narrative
nostalgic- celebrates the past and bathes inits glory
narcissistic- fascination with oneself, excessice self-love, vanity
an active audience- the assertion that meaning and experiance can only be created by the individual, and cannot be made objective by an author or narrator, an assumption of an intelligent and active audience
hyper-conscious - aware of itself

a postmoderism film is Mulin Rouge.

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