Monday, 26 October 2009

Gratifications model

- This model is the opposite to the effects model

- the audience is active

-the audience uses the text amd is Not used by it

-the audience uses the text for its own gratification or pleasure

- here power lies with the audience not the producers

-this theory emphasises what audience do with media texts, how and why they use them.

- far from being duped by the media the audience is free to reject, use or play with media meanings as they see fit

- audiences therefore use media texts to gratify needs for:





comparing relationships and lifesyles with ones own

sexual stimulation.

- the audience is in control and consumption of the media helps people with issues such as :


emotional satisfaction


help with issues of personal identity

help with issues of social identity

help with issues of aggression and violence

- Controversially the theory suggest the consumption of violent images can be helpful rather than harmful

-the theroy suggest that audiences act out their violent impulses through the consumption of media violence

- the audience inclination towards violent is therefore sublimimatedand they vare less likely to commit a violent act

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